Alfresco |
 | Demonstration Watch a demonstration of how Alfresco can be used to create a marketing launch. |
 | Feature Tour Take a tour of some of the key features in Alfresco. |
 | Online Help Click the help icon to display Alfresco Help topics. |
| Common Tasks |
 | Browse items in your home space From the toolbar click My Home to display a list of items in the space. |
 | Create a space in your home space Navigate to your home space. In the space info area, from the menu under Create, click Create Space and enter information about the space. |
 | Add content to your home space Navigate to your home space. In the space info area, click Add Content and enter information about the content to be uploaded. |
 | Create content in your home space Navigate to your home space. In the space info area, click Create Content under Create and enter information about the content to be created. |